Smart working: how to foster well being when working from home

In these emergency weeks, more and more people find themselves working in Smart Working mode: work sessions from home very often take place on improvised workstations, on the kitchen table or on armchairs and sofas in the living room.
In this context, back pain, muscle pain and postural problems are around the corner: to avoid them, it is essential to use ergonomic sessions and to alternate between working moments in an upright position and sitting.
In the last five years, Estel Group has promoted and disseminated its concept of Italian Smart Office all over the world: a new idea of organization of the office space, characterized by flexibility and innovation, with the absence of desks assigned in favor of ad hoc work areas for each type of task.
This concept goes hand in hand with the diffusion of smart working: in a context in which work from home and on the move become predominant for companies, it becomes essential to make available to its employees adequate spaces, with workstations for individual work and meeting spaces and more or less informal collaboration.
The space planning of these work environments inherits numerous characteristics that were once the prerogative of home furnishings: comfort, connectivity and functionality become fundamental factors in the choice of furnishings and in defining the layouts.
At the same time, it becomes important for “smart” workers to have the best tools for working from home and on remote.
In these emergency weeks, more and more people find themselves working in Smart Working mode: work sessions from home very often take place on improvised workstations, on the kitchen table or on armchairs and sofas in the living room. Inevitably back pain, muscle pain and postural problems are around the corner: to avoid them it is essential to use ergonomic sessions and to alternate working moments in an upright and sitting position.
These measures, in addition to the physical benefit, allow you to stay focused even in an environment that has not been designed for work.
Here is a selection of Estel products that are well suited for the domestic context, and can help you work with the usual productivity!
Finally 5 tips to avoid back pain and muscle pain:
- Choose an ergonomic seat
- Toggle between standing and sitting working moments
- If you use your phone a lot, connect it to a headset or headphones
- Try to keep the computer screen at least 50cm from your eyes
- Every 2 hours or so take advantage of a break for stretching exercises